Social Media Management

Imagine a world without social media. Pretty difficult, isn’t it? Almost impossible, too. The point is not If you want to do business in social media; it is How well you want to do it.

At Iyaka, we have performers (with pointy little hats), who will put you in social media wagon in no time.

Consultation & Design

We are transparent and easy to work with. Choose a plan based on your needs and budget. We can devise a planner to match your expectations and broaden your customer base.

Accounts management

Social media is not where you build and they will use. It is where you build and maintain consistently; Consistent being the key word. We help you with the consistent maintenance.

Ads and promotions

Campaigns is the 'cool' alternative for TV and newspaper ads. With promotions running on your profile, you benefit attracting more clients.

Why do you need SMM for your brand?

Hey, we know that Google ranks your business. So, you might ask why you need social media at all. It is a place where you can connect with people through your business. You focus on people, and naturally, people will focus on your company. The more they vote, the faster your rank goes up… Cute karma circle, right?

Bonus: With 3.6 Billion people on social media, you could create an army for your business.

Show what your brand is all about

Content and Design

Using the social media for business without a good content strategy is similar to a headless chicken running through the town. You need to develop a unique voice to deliver the contents effectively and quickly. And then, we have a random variable called ‘Algorithm’ – that makes the process more challenging than it already is.

But worry not, we create custom designs and videos for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If necessary for the business we can also curate contents for Pinterest, Medium, or whatever social media platform they use on MARS. We help in planning your blog posts to promote your website effectively.

We stand out

With our Social Media Managers, we can create a lasting and effective influence on your business.

Custom solutions

We can work with corporates, agencies, small businesses, entrepreneurs, firms, scale-ups, and startups across social channels.

Results & analytics

We are results-driven. We analyze your SM accounts, research, and provide tailored solutions that work for your brand.

Save your time!

SM accounts management

Need help with your social media accounts? We can represent companies, businesses, firms, scale-ups, and startups across social channels as the sole voice of the brand. We schedule content on various platforms based on your plan and actively engage with your potential customers.

Businesses grow their online presence by analyzing effective social media management strategies. We analyze your social media audiences and develop a strategic plan tailored to them, creating and distributing content for online conversion. We can help monitor online conversion, collaborate with influencers, design, and distribute valuable content and measure growth.

With our Social Media Managers (yes, the ones with pointy little hats!), we create a lasting and effective influence on businesses. Our educative contents and designs triggers curiosity and draw the audiences attention. Despite entertaining you with little hats and card tricks, our managers also have the following capabilities:

It’s easy peasy, lemon squeezy… All we need is just your permission. You only have to grant us permission for your page, and we’ll manage your account (page). Just watch out for the turnaround!

Ads & Promotions

Promote your business with us!

Advertising helps you influence the buying behavior of customers and clients with a positive selling message. Just like you don’t buy things you don’t know before, customers cannot look at your side if your account is not alive. Advertising help businesses make their account trustable and help retain their selling power, define the target market, and reach customers with effective campaigns.

Through our campaigns, we can promote your business to a wide range of customers, find the right format for your business tactical approach, and help you change outdated strategies that are no more effective.

Need additional help? We also have effective remarketing strategies to put your business on top today.

social media quote


The basic package includes,


The pro package includes,


The advanced package includes,
If you’re unsure or want a custom solution

We are a digital agency rendering different professional services. We can help your business become a solid brand, design media, website, illustrations, digital marketing, and more.

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We are a digital agency rendering different professional services. We can help your business become a solid brand, design media, website, illustrations, digital marketing, and more.

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