
Are you struggling to find the right way to implement your business or find a reliable agency? We are here. You do not have to take our word. Keep reading. We offer a wide range of services along with a few solutions that might help you achieve your dreams irrespective of your gender, age, financial status, etc.,

We empower small business owners

We understand starting a new business or managing a small-scale business can be hard sometimes. Establishing that business online or promoting it can be time-consuming and overwhelming. How about we take care of that? We offer multiple services and solutions to help your business flourish online and look credible.

There is one more exciting thing to add. We work within your budget. Want to know more about it? Keep reading.


Are you struggling to find the right way to implement your business or find a reliable agency? We are here. You do not have to take our word. Keep reading. We offer a wide range of services along with a few solutions that might help you achieve your dreams irrespective of your gender, age, financial status, etc.,

Contact us today!

Isn't it awesome to get tailored solutions for your business?

The only solution you need for a successful business management.

Build a side income that lets you earn even when you sleep.


Studies show that we can raise women’s position in the world, not by competing, but by collaborating with each other. At Iyaka, we try our best to help and support women of dreams by providing custom, budget-friendly solutions.

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Rapid Design and Development

Are you in a hurry? We offer rapid design and development solutions for clients in a rush. Like what you are reading? Check what we offer.

Rapid UI/UX design

We can design better, faster, and more interactive interfaces with elegant templates that make the workflow quicker. It involves working with ready-made templates built by our team. Rapid UI/UX is identifying the type of business and editing a template according to the requirements without losing brand values and user experience. All while minding the project deadline.

Rapid web development

We’ve unbeatable web developers that can rapidly build your website without delay and denial. You’re probably asking this question within yourself, right? We make this happen by having a number of default templates for various kinds of business models. Within the twinkling of an eye, we can create websites for business models with little changes according to their needs and preferences. We’ve got them ready. We only need a few details about your project, and your website is live!

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Frequently asked questions

We have multiple templates for various business models. Our team will analyze your business needs and suggest a template that suits you best. After confirmation, we will proceed with editing the template for your business.

If you are in a hurry to create a website or design your interface, choose rapid design and development. We can even write the content and design the graphics for you. What are you waiting for?

We can create a website in 7 to 10 days, including the contents, graphics, illustrations, images, interface design, development, testing, and deployment.


Are you struggling to promote your business online?

We offer a wide range of packages and custom solutions to help you market your business successfully. Contact us today to learn more.

Why choose us

We build meaningful relationships between brands and customers

It is imperative to create solid branding to make a business look credible and more recognizable and increase sales.

We are launching a new solution soon!!!

We are working on creating an educational platform where you can learn from blog articles, interactive classes, workshops, and more. Stay tuned to learn more…

We are a digital agency rendering different professional services. We can help your business become a solid brand, design media, website, illustrations, digital marketing, and more.

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We are a digital agency rendering different professional services. We can help your business become a solid brand, design media, website, illustrations, digital marketing, and more.

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